Kal Mansur-Heart-48x54in-Acrylic-2019-SS-Scaled.png


Sold work: 2021

Blue Fracture 1, 40" x 40"

Blue Fracture 1, 40" x 40"


Medium: Acrylic sculpture, acrylic medium on surface

Year: 2016

Size: 40" x 40" x 2.75"

Kal Mansur's wall sculptures are dimensional objects made of completely clear and hard-edged plexiglass. Embedded fluorescent pigments project colour through the edges. Surrounding areas are painted, and the work is encased within a translucent panel. He applies acrylic medium on the surface, subtle brushstrokes that are visible from certain angles. The artwork absorbs and reflects light, allowing the viewer to visually travel through the composition. “The ability to conduct how light interacts with surfaces is my ongoing attempt to create a visual braille,” says Mansur, “that is, a language by which color, light, and composition can be felt and not merely observed.” Click here to view Kal’s process.

Free shipping in North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia.

To inquire or make an offer on this artwork, email info@kalmansur.com

Blue Plateau 5, 30" x 60" DSC_0120.JPG

Blue Plateau 5, 30" x 60"

Kal-Mansur-Head-48x54in-Acrylic-2019-SS-Scaled.png Kal Mansur-Head-Side.jpg

Head, 54" x 48"

Shelter I, 32" x 32" Untitled, Ivory Two, 32x32-2018-Side.jpg

Shelter I, 32" x 32"

Heart, 54" x 48" Kal Mansur-Heart-Side.jpg

Heart, 54" x 48"
