Kal Mansur-Heart-48x54in-Acrylic-2019-SS-Scaled.png


Sold work: 2021

Heart, 54" x 48"

Heart, 54" x 48"


Medium: Acrylic on panel

54" x 48" x 2"

Year: 2019

In this painting, the background, executed in silver paint, flickers and shifts with one's viewing angle. The artist's use of directional strokes creates a sense of constant movement. In the foreground, an amorphous object appears to be in mid-flight. By sanding and effacing certain areas, the artist exposes multiple layers of paint beneath the surface, serving as a counterpoint to the background's silvery sheen.

Shelter I, 32" x 32" Untitled, Ivory Two, 32x32-2018-Side.jpg

Shelter I, 32" x 32"

Kal-Mansur-Head-48x54in-Acrylic-2019-SS-Scaled.png Kal Mansur-Head-Side.jpg

Head, 54" x 48"
