Translucent and topographical epoxy sculptures
What is a line? A line, real or imaginary, signifies a path, a continuous point, a moving mark. This simple word not only organizes our perception, but determines our basic rapports between front and back, deep and shallow, in and out, near and far, up and down, past and present, today and tomorrow. Our physical geography, our relations to nature, and even the whole domain of our culture, are topographies structured by lines. Kal Mansur's work figures an artist's apprehension. —V.Y. Mudimbe, On African Fault Lines (2013)
23.5” x 23.5” x 1.5” pigmented epoxy sculptures:
Valkyries and Murmurs
The core element in the work is a shape made of completely clear and hard-edged plexiglass. Fluorescent pigments embedded into the material project through the edges.
Valences / Circular sculptures
The pieces appear to change as light strikes their internal elements, enabling the viewer to visually travel through the composition.
12” x 12” solid acrylic sculptures:
Art keeps going
View process videos on Instagram @kalmansurstudio